"The Storming of Forestswarm," Salamander, Summer 2022.
"Taking the Blacksmith," Gettysburg Review, Fall 2020.
"Our Bodies, Our Incoherent Selves: Games and Shifting Concepts of Identity and Narrative in Contemporary Literature," Storyworlds, Spring 2020.
"On the Walls," New Ohio Review, Fall 2019.
"The Stories I Do Not Know For Sure," American Literary Review, Spring 2019. (American Literary Review Award Winner) ​
"City of Cobwebs," Aquifer: The Florida Review Online, Spring 2018.
“Demonman,” The Masters Review, Fall 2017. (Winner Summer Short Story Award for New Writers)
“Braving the Controller,” Writer’s Chronicle, Fall 2017.
“The Roaring,” The Chattahoochee Review, Fall 2016. (Lamar York Prize Finalist)
“Strangers in Houses,” Blackbird, Fall 2015.
“A Certain Kind of Animal,” Sycamore Review, Fall 2014. (Pushcart nominee)
“The Internet Hates You,” Crazyhorse, Fall 2014. (Pushcart nominee)
"Survivor Summer," Santa Ana River Review, Fall 2014.
“Vocalistas,” Chautauqua, Summer 2014.
“Frank,” The Southampton Review, Spring 2014.
"Your New Neighborhood," Witness, Summer 2013.
"In Pixels and In Health," This Recording, February 2012.
“A Guide to Hell’s Half-Acre,” New Delta Review, Fall 2012. (Selected for the New Delta Review Best of the Web 2010-2013 Anthology.)
“Never Ourselves,” Water-Stone Review, Fall 2012.
“Growing Like Houses,” Willow Springs, Summer 2012.
“People of Substance,” Confrontation, Spring 2012.
“Bigfoot,” The Pinch, Fall 2011. (Winner: University of New Orleans Award for Study Abroad.)
“A Wilderness,” Prompted: The GPWS Anthology, May 2010.
“Predictions,” The Carolina Quarterly, March 2010.
“Monday,” The Pinch, Fall 2009.
“Our Street,” Quarterly West, Summer 2008.
University of Cincinnati Bicentennial Essay Contest Winner, 2016.
Tennessee Williams Scholarship, Sewanee Writers’ Conference, 2014.
Nonfiction Winner, University of New Orleans Writing Contest for Study Abroad, 2011.
Top 25 Finalist, Chiasmus Press First Book Contest, 2008.
Participant in Artist Residency Institute offered by Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission, and received stipend to lead free creative writing workshops for homeless women in Sacramento, 2008.
Fulbright Fellowship, 2006-2007.
Recipient of Poets and Writers, Inc. grant to develop and lead free, public creative writing workshops for teenagers in underserved areas, 2006.